domingo, 2 de junho de 2013

A recipe of fish soup

. Three or four kinds of fresh fish (for example salmon, see bass sea bream…                                                              
. 6 potatoes                     
. 4 chopped onions
. 4 garlic cloves                                      
. 1 bay leaf
. 6 tomatoes (peeled)  

. parsley   
. red chili
.olive oil
 .chopped garlic

How to make the soup

. Boil the fish in water.
. When the fish is boiled, drain the water and save it.
. Boil the potatoes in a bigger pot also in water.
 . Put in another pot (smaller) four tablespoons of olive oil.
. Add the chopped onion, the garlic and stew them.
. When the onion is stewed, add the tomatoes cut in small pieces, the red shili and salt.

. Let it stew for about 20 minutes. You can add a little of the water where you have   
cooked the fish. Don’t forget to drain the boiled water.
. While you let the soup cook, remove the fish bones and break the fish up in little pieces

When the potatoes are boiled and the onions, garlic and tomatoes are stewed, add everything in the biggest pot.
.Blend with a hand blender 
. Add the fish, the bay leaf, the chopped parsley and serve a soup in a bowl. 
. Place some parsley over the soup.

Bon appetit and have a happy meal
 with your family, your friends or on your own!

Thanks, Ana, for your friend and delicious fish soup!